It’s a ‘Bitcoin conference’, not a ‘crypto conference’
A Bitcoin (only) conference is a mecca for thousands of Bitcoin enthusiasts from everywhere around the world who come together to help shape the next generation of projects, services and ideas built on the principles of this global open-source network.
Partly it’s about listening to – and often meeting in person – some of the biggest names in the industry, but it’s also a fabulous social event with networking, chill out zones, side events and after-parties that have gained legendary status over the last few years. BTC Prague have even coined a term for this unique buzz – we call it the ‘orange summer vibe!’
However, it’s true that many of us now in Bitcoin full time first start by exploring ‘altcoins’ (that’s short for ‘alternative coins’) before focussing specifically – and only – on Bitcoin.
So, how does this journey through ‘crypto’ take place, what’s the difference anyway and, if you’ve only been to a ‘crypto’ conference before, what can you expect?
Bitcoin is not crypto
While our first encounter with anything to do with this new type of technology is often through Bitcoin itself, most of us usually take a detour through other coins first before ultimately landing on Bitcoin as the way forward.
After all, it makes sense, right? There’s no harm in exploring other possibilities, especially as many of these coins claim they are ‘faster, better and cheaper’ than Bitcoin.
But therein lies the first problem.
Literally everything other than Bitcoin is owned, managed or distributed by owners, foundations or companies – and these entities usually have a well-financed marketing department paid for by pre-mines or ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings). It’s these marketing departments that tell you these coins are ‘faster, better, cheaper’ than Bitcoin – even if that’s not quite the whole truth.
They certainly can be, but this comes at a hidden cost – and that cost is usually security or centralisation. Altcoins may be faster, but they are not secure in the same way Bitcoin is, nor are they decentralised. In fact, when using anything other than Bitcoin, you effectively need to have trust in the person, company or foundation behind it.
Sound familiar? It should be, it’s very close to how our existing fiat world operates. That’s not exactly the idea behind global decentralized hard money. None of them, by any definition, can compete with that core principle.
Of course, it’s entirely possible that some altcoins will end up enduring as they find specific applications for specific uses, but that’s not the mission of Bitcoin. The money that we use trumps all of these specific use cases. It’s the daddy of them all. And, since Bitcoin really IS truly centralized, incredibly secure and owned by no-one – like a truly scarce commodity – most of us end up here, participating in and helping to build the global monetary system.
In short, the best way to think of altcoins is like unregulated equities. So, if you like a coin, what it’s trying to do and trust the organisation behind it to deliver it, then it’s important to understand what you’re investing in. But it’s a dangerous game, filled with broken promises, rug pulls and crazy antics – like meme coins – that get you into real trouble if you’re not careful.
Bitcoin, by its very nature, is immune from all of that. It can’t be hacked, hijacked or controlled by anyone – even the most powerful governments or individuals on the planet.
THAT’s where Bitcoin’s strength lies as a monetary system and why most of us end up working on ‘Bitcoin only’ solutions in the long term.
Bitcoin Conference vs Crypto Conference
These two conferences are very different affairs because of these fundamental differences.
Crypto conferences are all about trying to get you to invest in a new idea, coin or concept that has little chance of actual success, but sounds good on paper. Since it’s entirely unregulated, it’s a profitable game – at least for those creating the coins!
Crypto conferences also have a very wide variation of subjects and approaches based on hundreds of different – and specific – use cases for coins. The vast majority will fail, be exposed or find their use case has no value. There’s simply no focus on a specific outcome other than trying to bring in money for the latest shiny thing. It’s a competitive environment, often aggressively so, and tends to have a very ‘salesy’ feel.
A Bitcoin only conference, on the other hand, is a very different affair.
Here, the focus is on education, adoption and development with one single purpose in mind; enabling true hard money for everyone.
There’s no requirement to buy more Bitcoin and no central body or individual that benefits if you do (or don’t). You’re there because you want to discover how Bitcoin helps you protect your wealth from failing government issued currencies, protect your sovereign position or ensure that the wealth you generate can be passed on to future generations isn’t lost to inflation.
Of course, there are many other applications, but the concept is the same; working together, whether teaching, learning or discussing new ideas – with the common goal of making the world a better place through a fairer monetary system.
Or, as we say in Bitcoin, ‘fix the money, fix the world!’
Bitcoin Conference 2025
So, if you’ve only been to a ‘crypto’ conference before, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the people, ideas and commonality of goals at a Bitcoin only event. It really is a striking difference.
And what better place to test this out than at Europe’s biggest and most influential Bitcoin conference – BTC Prague 2025?
Will we see you there?